Energy Enhancement System (EES)

Exciting news and next level healing!!

Energy Enhancement System is a 5th dimensional, scalar technology that emits an energy frequency that gives your body the energy it needs to repair itself. Just like a cell phone, your body needs charged, and can lose its “charge” or life force through things such as daily stress, surgery, trauma, wifi, 5G, smart watches, toxins, unprocessed emotional pain, physical pain and more. By sitting in the EES room, the biophotons will excite your cells and give them the energy they need to heal and restore itself. It’s natural, easy and a fantastic compliment to any wellness protocol.

Rhianna is excited to partner with Bill Brunsvold to bring Energy Enhancement System to Omaha! Restorative Oasis Energy and Wellness Collective is a 24 screen EES facility and is now open in Elkhorn, NE. It includes a Collective of like-minded holistic practitioners to help support your healing and wellness journey. You can learn more by visiting our website!

This is not a medical device and claims have not been approved by the FDA. All claims are client testimonials.